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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Google Alert - Armenia, Drams

Google Blogs Alert for: Armenia, Drams

Seta's Armenian Blog: Armenian News
By Seta
by Armenian banks in Drams was 7.1bln Drams, in dollars - $12.7mln. On January 27 2009 Armenian Stock Exchange open joint stock company was officially renamed as NASDAQ OMX Armenia open joint stock company. ...
Seta's Armenian Blog -

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Google Alert - American Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

Google News Alert for: American Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

Coast Guard Auxiliary protects waterways
Seminole Chronicle - Oviedo,FL,USA
Today, there are more than 30000 Auxiliary members located in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and Guam. ...
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Countdown to International Rolex Regatta
Cowes Online - Cowes,Isle of Wight,UK
With less than a week to go, St. Thomas Yacht Club in the US Virgin Islands is applying finishing touches before the kickoff of the 36th annual ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: American Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

Silobreaker: AIG VP Jake DeSantis Publicly Quits
Top London executives at failed insurance giant American International Group (AIG) are among those refusing to hand back their 2008 bonuses.New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has confirmed that many, if not all, the senior people who have so far failed . ... WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner defended yesterday the dollar as a key global reserve currency following China's call for a new global currency as an alternative to the greenback. ...
Silobreaker Feed -
lgstarr: EU to US: You are on "The Road to Hell"
By lgstarr
The US is repeating mistakes from the 1930s, such as wide-ranging stimuluses, protectionist tendencies and appeals, the Buy American campaign, and so on," he told a European parliament session in Strasbourg. ...
lgstarr -
HUD speeds nearly $3 billion to Nation's Public Housing ...
WASHINGTON - March 25, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Just over a month after President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 into law, the US Department of Housing and Urban announced today that, subject to HUD approval, ... HUD is informing 3122 local housing authorities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands that spending can begin on a backlog of previously underfunded capital improvement projects. ...
RealEstateRama -
Global Voices Online » Libya: From Funerals to Weddings
By Fozia Mohamed
American (living in Libya) blogger On the Edge recently wrote about miscellaneous events but the most heart wrenching part from her post was the passing away of the family cousin as a result of medical malpractice in Libya. ... In her latest post Shahrazad takes us on a tour of the souk [market] in Tripoli and we are regaled by her photos, which trigger a trip down memory lane for her readers. "The souk is a favourite place of mine and I enjoy shopping for old Libyan and ...
Global Voices Online -
Guam Okinawa plus Washington Tokyo: Japanese citizens file $5.4M ...
By Added Entry
Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima said Friday he urged the U.S. government to revise the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement in light of a string of crimes allegedly committed by U.S. servicemen. ..... May 2007. Steven Iselin, P.E., NAVFAC Chief Engineer, and Director, Capital Improvements American Council of Engineering Companies 7 May 2007. Guam Military Build-up Program (Bice) Society of American Military Engineers 3 May 2007. CAPT R. Hemstreet ...
Guam Okinawa plus Washington Tokyo -

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Google Alert - Canada, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Canada, Dollars

China 'Super Currency' Call Shows Dollar Concern
Bloomberg - USA
... about China's high exposure to US dollar-denominated financial assets," said Brian Jackson, senior strategist at Royal Bank of Canada in Hong Kong. ...
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Two Livent Executives Are Convicted of Fraud
New York Times - United States
In one case a loss of 41 million Canadian dollars was transformed into a profit of 14 million dollars. "The exponential growth of the company was analogous ...
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Facing a Shortfall, CBC Will Cut Jobs
New York Times - United States
The CBC, which has about 9850 employees and receives more than 1 billion Canadian dollars ($813 million) a year from the federal government, ...
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Continue to look for the USD CAD to get its clues from the equity and commodity markets. A stronger equity market will increase trader demand for risk ...
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Galloway to appeal Canadian entry ban
The British MP also donated thousands of dollars and dozens of vehicles to the Hamas-run government. He received support in Canada from anti-war activists ...
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Foresters and CGI announce a 10 year, $182 million, full IT ...
FOXBusiness - USA
Foresters shares its financial strength with more than 650000 members in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Foresters Equity Services ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Canada, Dollars

Microsoft Streets and Trips 2009 with GPS | Canada Shopping Online
List Price: CAD 84.99. Lowest New Price: CAD 84.99. Price is accurate as of the date/time indicated. Prices and product availability are subject to change. Any price displayed on the Amazon website at the time of purchase will govern ...
Canada Shopping Online -
Canada's Dollar Drops as Crude Oil Falls, Stocks Erase Gains ...
By Yahoo! News Search Results for crude oil price
March 25 (Bloomberg) -- Canada's dollar dropped for a second day, reversing an earlier advance, as crude oil fell and stocks erased earlier gains. "Equity markets have come off fairly aggressively from their highs, so that's weighing on ...
World Mining Exploration News -
Bankrupting Canada 1 penny at a time? — Canadian Free Stuff
By Canadian Freebies
These would need to be replaced by our government to keep circulation levels up, and it would cost them $5 billion dollars to create $1 billion dollars worth of pennies. There would be no risk in this by the people purchasing the ...
Canadian Free Stuff -
FP Letters to the Editor: AIG quick fix - FP Comment
By NP Editor
Still, Canada has abandoned the death penalty and in any event I am confident that most of those same correspondents oppose the death penalty for everyone except investment bankers. Further research led to the fairly obvious ... A-Rod of the New York Yankees gets paid millions of dollars to hit a ball — it upsets many accountants who work much harder, but it's America. A-Rod's incredible marketing power justifies his salary. Taxpayers should not be arguing against bonuses ...
National Post Canada -
Lobster News Lines: A Crystal Ball and the 2009 Lobster Season ...
By JayP
It's somewhat disconcerting to see Canada spending a half million dollars in an attempt, among other things, to take on the Maine Lobster Brand. They are the economic world super power when it comes to lobster, last year selling 43500 ...
Lobstering in Maine -

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Google Alert - Antigua and Barbuda, East Caribbean Dollars

Google Web Alert for: Antigua and Barbuda, East Caribbean Dollars

east caribbean dollar -
East Caribbean Dollar / East Caribbean Dollar converter (XCD / XCD) will convert the currency of SAINT LUCIA in currency of ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA with the ...

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Google Alert - America (United States of America), Dollars

Google News Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Interest Group Targets Moderate Democrats in Ad Calling on Support ...
By Mosheh Oinounou The liberal interest group Americans United for Change is launching a TV ad blitz Wednesday in 12 states to push moderate Democrats and ...
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Foreign Flings No Threat to Healthy Relationships at Home
New York Times - United States
And the Major League Soccer commissioner is perfectly happy to share fans with Inter Milan or Club America . "Our goal has been to make soccer fans, ...
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Geithner says strong dollar in US interest
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Wednesday that a strong dollar is in the United States' interest and that there were no ...
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Senators: Obama border initiative good step, but insufficient
Some of that violence has spilled over into the United States as traffickers purchase American firearms and fuel a high US demand for illegal narcotics. ...
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Further Military Commitment in Afghanistan May Be Toughest Sell Yet
Added NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, "We are, of course, awaiting the results of the review going on in the United States of America, ...
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Obama, NATO chief talk Afghanistan, Russia
Boston Globe - United States
We are, of course, waiting the results of the review going on in the United States of America, very relevant for the other allies, very relevant for NATO. ...
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Re-emerging As an Emerging Market
Washington Post - United States
At the time, I could not imagine that anything remotely similar could happen in the United States. Indeed, I shared the American conceit that most ...
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Report sees 'sobering statistics' on racial inequality
(CNN) -- Social and economic gaps between whites and blacks persist in the United States despite an atmosphere that led to the election of President Obama, ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Embassy of Venezuela in the United States
For the first time during the administration of President Chávez, Venezuela and the United states have established a sister city accord. The agreement was signed by the mayors of the cities of Carora and Milwaukee, Edgar Carrasco and ...
News - Embassy of the Bolivarian... -
America Forgot the Golden Rule : NO QUARTER
By Larry Johnson
In 1978 and in 1983-85 he worked in Latin America on community development projects as a community organizer. Returning to the United States in 1985 he joined the Central Intelligence Agency, thanks in part to a letter of recommendation ..... In the aftermath of World War II the United States has been the financial super power. Our dollar became and remains the defacto international currency. What does this mean? Foreigners are as willing to hang on to a dollar or own a ...
TSHTF! Americans Betrayed! « Justmytruth's Weblog
By justmytruth
To such machinations being utilized by their supposed 'leaders' against them in order to pave the road from a once sovereign United States to this New World Order these Americans remain nearly clueless, but when pressed by President Medvedev on the ... Prominent trends forecaster Gerald Celente has been sounding the alarm for years, warning that riots and tax revolts are coming to America. The Pentagon, U. K. Ministry of Defense, and Canadian military apparently agree. ...
Justmytruth's Weblog -
States Rebellion Pending: The 10th Amendment in Action by Walter ...
New Hampshire's 10th Amendment resolution typifies others and, in part, reads: "That the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their General (federal) ...
Capitalism Magazine ( -
Nancy Snow: Crickets and Cheney Chirping on the Brand America Front
By Nancy Snow
Her Shared Values advert campaign (now available on YouTube) broadcast how well Muslim Americans were treated in the United States. Shared Values was rolled out during Ramadan 2002 and just months before the U.S. invaded its second ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -

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Google Alert - Bhutan, India Rupees

Google Blogs Alert for: Bhutan, India Rupees

Indian activist wins Stockholm Water Prize
By Ians
Sulabh International Social Service Organization has also launched operations in Bhutan and Afghanistan. Sulabh has, together with UN-HABITAT, trained engineers, architects and others from 14 countries in Africa. .... January 5th, 2009 CHANDIGARH - A well-known bubble-gum company has been directed by a consumer court here to pay a compensation of Rs.300000 to a customer who was not given a Trip to America prize nearly eight years ago. The Union Territory (UT) consumer ...
The Gaea News -

Google Web Alert for: Bhutan, India Rupees

Airtickets Tour in India Trip of - BHUTAN CULTURAL TOUR
Its one of the beautiful pass of Bhutan. Check in to Meri Phuensum Resort. ... SOUTH INDIA TEMPLES TOUR . USD 165. A GLIMPSE OF BHUTAN, INR 10900 ...

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Google Alert - Burma (Myanmar), Kyats

Google Blogs Alert for: Burma (Myanmar), Kyats

Burma Humanitarian Watch: Families surviving on remittances hit by ...
By Kay Latt
A usually weak Burmese kyat has gained strength recently as much of the world has suffered a general devaluation in currency since the onset of the global recession. This has meant that Burmese nationals, who previously horded foreign ... ICG report: Burma/Myanmar After Nargis: Time to Normalize Aid Relation · International Development Committee report on aid to Burma (July 2007) · MSF report November 2008: A preventable fate: The failure of ART scale-up in Myanmar ...
Burma Humanitarian Watch -
Shwedagon Pagoda Guide - Structures on western terrace | Today in ...
By Bamarlay
Myanmar Life, Culture, Custom, Travel, Information. CommentsBy EmailPosts ... According to legend, the two brothers got drunk during their duty during the construction of the pagoda in Taungbyon in central Burma, and were executed by King Anawrahta of Bagan. When they died, they became nats (spirits), and were worshipped by people of Bagan ... Myanmar Kyat - US Dollar - Thai Baht Exchange Rate. US$ 1 = 990 Kyats Thai 1 Baht = 27.80 Kyats Updated: 20 March 2009 ...
Today in Myanmar -
Global News | World | International
By Tim Patterson
The far north of Myanmar — formerly Burma — is home to the Kachins, a group of predominantly Christian tribes whose struggle against the military government of Myanmar is now in its fifth decade. As ethnic and religious minorities ... Soldiers are paid 10000 kyat per month, less than $10. "My generation thinks there will be a war," said a young academy cadet. "We don't know what the leadership will decide. We will follow their orders." Some Kachins feel the KIO sold out ...

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Google Alert - American Samoa, United States Dollars

Google News Alert for: American Samoa, United States Dollars

American Samoa tops casualty list for US troops in Iraq
Radio Australia News - Melbourne,Australia
The US dependency of American Samoa has recorded more casualties in Iraq per capita than any other part of the United States. Figures published in the USA ...
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Refuge Enhancement Act heads to White House
KTVA CBS 11 News Alaska - Anchorage,AK,USA
Eni Faleomavaega (D - American Samoa) understand indigenous issues and have been very supportive of King Cove's needs." The Senate initially approved the ...
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Top Asian News at 11:30 am GMT
TMCnet - USA
Report: nkorea suspects US journalists were spyingseoul, South Korea (AP) _ Two American journalists seized by North Korean border guards are facing ...
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Congress rallies in support of Taiwan
Taipei Times - Taiwan
By William Lowther The US House of Representatives has reversed the work of a subcommittee and put the teeth back into a resolution offering strong support ...
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Pro Wrestling Insider - Marmora,NJ,USA
WWWF United States Tag Team Champion The Great Scott defeated Karl Steif. - The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello and Roy Heffernan) defeated Bobby and Jerry ...
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Radio New Zealand International
American Samoa's quarter scheduled for release in July
Radio New Zealand International - Wellington,New Zealand
The coin's release is based on federal law enacted in December 2007, that creates the District of Columbia and US Territories Quarters Program. ...
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$250 coming automatically to retirees, SSI recipients
TMCnet - USA
To qualify, recipients must also live in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa or the ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: American Samoa, United States Dollars

Michelle Malkin » Guess who else thinks ICE agents are unpatriotic?
By Michelle Malkin
One is an al-Qaeda cell believed to be responsible for the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassy in Kenya, and later for the simultaneous bombing of a Mombasa resort hotel and failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet in 2002. ... American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan work force. Paul Pelosi, Nancy 's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock. In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted ...
Michelle Malkin -
American Idol's Jorge Nunez Talks About The Future | Reality TV ...
Reality TV Magazine is your source for American Idol news and info! Visit our American Idol message boards and tell us what you think! For more on American Idol, check out SirLinksALot: American Idol. Photos Courtesy: ...
Reality TV Magazine -
By iaoj
It should be similar to the USA Senate with the same number of seats for each province and no other territory or non-provincial entity has any Senators (e.g., American Samoa, Washington DC, Costa Rica, etc. ..... A Samoan woman is charged in New Zealand with abandoning her newborn baby in a toilet aboard an airliner. Clinton heads to Mexico for talks. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads to Mexico for talks likely to be dominated by issues of drug-related violence ...
Indus Asia Online Journal (iaoj) -
Four Stone Hearth #63: Bathing in the warm waters of ancient ...
By Ed Darrell
Globalization — love it or hate it — how does it really affect us? The Spitoon comments on newly-published research that reveals people are choosing mates from farther abroad than before. At least, that's what our genes show. People don't marry people from their own village so much. ... Inspiration for Margaret Meads fieldwork in American. Tuamatuan Conception of the Cosmos, by Paiore. Inspiration for Margaret Mead's fieldwork in American Samoa. Running After Antelope ...
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub -
TAKE ACTION: Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically M ...
By Cal Mendelsohn
Ich Nicht spreke Deutch (mais, je parle Francais, dude), it was difficult to choose "country". I think the choices were American Oceania (probably Guam and other protectorates), AM. Samoa, Am, Virgin Islands. ...
Care2 News Network -

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Google Alert - Bermuda, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Bermuda, Dollars

The Truth Shall Set You Free!
Sovereign Society - Delray Beach,FL,USA
... quarter million dollars to my campaign, over a hundred thousand in the last year alone. They gave my wife a job at one of their subsidiaries in Bermuda, ...
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Creditors settled suit against Foss Manufacturing - Portsmouth,NH,USA
... and family expenses, such as improvements to family homes and club memberships at more than a dozen private clubs in Bermuda, New York and Florida. ...
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Sen. Dodd's Wife Paid by AIG - West Palm Beach,FL,USA
According to a report in, Jackie Clegg Dodd worked as an outside director from 2001 to 2004 for a Bermuda-based company affiliated ...
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Frontline Ltd. (USA) (FRO)
Motley Fool - USA
The Company is a Bermuda based shipping company engaged primarily in the ownership and operation of oil tankers, including oil/bulk/ore carriers. ...
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Signet Full Year Results As Expected Before Goodwill Impairment
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
On September 11, 2008 the primary listing of the Group moved to the NYSE and the parent company of the Group became Signet Jewelers Limited, a Bermuda ...
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Eurobonds: itraxx Indexes Widen;Corporates Flood Primary Mkt
Wall Street Journal - USA
Wednesday, Bermuda-based drinks maker Bacardi International plans to sell a euro-denominated benchmark bond, with proceeds to go toward refinancing a slice ...
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Royal Gazette
Impact of economic crisis wide-reaching, says Capital G boss
Royal Gazette - Hamilton,Bermuda
By Alex Wright Bermuda is going to feel the knock-on effects of the US and global economic crisis - but should also see the benefits of a recovery after ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Bermuda, Dollars

Dodd's Wife a Former Director of Bermuda-Based IPC Holdings, an ...
By John Frisby
No wonder Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) went wobbly last week when asked about his February amendment ratifying hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to executives at insurance giant AIG. Dodd has been one of the company's ...
Lux Libertas - Light and Liberty -
Mac Beach: RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dodd's Wife a Former ...
By macbeach
From 2001-2004, Jackie Clegg Dodd served as an "outside" director of IPC Holdings, Ltd., a Bermuda-based company controlled by AIG. IPC, which provides property casualty catastrophe insurance coverage, was formed in 1993 and currently ...
Mac Beach -
How do we measure a society? | Rice County Republicans
By Bruce Morlan
Remember, George Soros, hedge fund manipulator of countries, lives in New York City but runs his business through Bermuda and pays minimal taxes. In 2007 alone he made a billion dollars and, he bragged in Davos, he made a 10% return in ...
Rice County Republicans -

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Google Alert - Britain (United Kingdom), Pounds

Google News Alert for: Britain (United Kingdom), Pounds

UK Bond Auction Fails for First Time Since 2002
Bloomberg - USA
By Kim-Mai Cutler and Lukanyo Mnyanda March 25 (Bloomberg) -- The UK failed to find enough buyers for 1.75 billion pounds ($2.55 billion) of bonds for the ...
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UK Jan avg weekly earnings fall record 2.2 pct y/y
Forbes - NY,USA
But the overall 2.2 percent decrease to 446.50 pounds masked a significant increase for public sector workers whose weekly pay was 3.4 percent higher than a ...
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UK Stocks Decline for Second Day; Legal & General Retreats
Bloomberg - USA
By Sarah Jones March 25 (Bloomberg) -- UK stocks fell for a second day, led by insurers and commodity producers after Legal & General Group Plc cut its ...
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Ford to raise new-car prices in UK, Russia
Automotive News - USA
Ford of Europe is increasing its new-car prices in the UK and Russia in response to the falling value of the British pound and the Russian ruble. ...
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WORLD FOREX:Dollar Feels Lasting Sting From Geithner Comments
Wall Street Journal - USA
The dollar also finished up on the UK pound, which retreated further from six-week highs made a day earlier. Meanwhile, the Norwegian krone was hammered ...
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Europe Slides As HSBC Culls
Forbes - NY,USA
But in Britain, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King highlighted a lack of consensus between the UK central bank and the British government when he ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Britain (United Kingdom), Pounds

Jaguar Land Rover Owner Warns of UK Job Cuts - Britain * Europe ...
The chairman of Jaguar Land Rover owner Tata Motors told Sky News in an interview on Tuesday that the company could cut jobs in the UK if the government did not guarantee multimillion pounds of loans to the company.
CNBC Europe Top News and Analysis -
UK has First Failed Govt. Bond Auction Since 2002 - Economy ...
Britain suffered its first failed government bond auction since 2002 on Wednesday after bids fell more than 100 million pounds short of the 1.75 billion the government was trying to raise, causing gilt prices to tumble.
CNBC Top News and Analysis -
Market Skeptics: *****British Bond Auction Fizzles*****
By Eric deCarbonnel
Conclusion: Two weeks ago, when Britain started monetizes its national debt, it created a negative feedback loop which will ultimately destroy the pound and decimate the UK. The process works as follows: 1) Britain's rapidly expanding ...
Market Skeptics -
UK: Plunging pound prompts price hike: Automotive News & Comment
"We are reacting to the continued decline of the pound against the euro", said Ford of Britain MD Nigel Sharp. "Raising prices in such difficult times may seem counter-intuitive, but as a UK business with so many of our costs priced in ...
Daily automotive news and comment... -
Gateway Pundit: UK Prime Minister Eviscerated For 10% Deficit to ...
By Gateway Pundit
Every British child will now be born owing around 20000 pounds. Interest on that debt will cost more than educating that particular child... The UK now runs a deficit that runs more than 10% of GDP, more than Pakistan and Hungary. ... America is actually in worse shape than Great Britain. According to Heritage, Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package: Thanks to Barack Obama and the Democrats. Maybe this is the reason Senator Judd Gregg ...
Gateway Pundit -

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Google Alert - British Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

Google News Alert for: British Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

It's time to prepare for new border crossing rules
USA Today - USA
This applies even if you're just having lunch in Vancouver, taking photos in Tijuana, snorkeling in the British Virgin Islands, or shopping on the other ...
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Geneva Bankers Have a Word for Brown's Tax Attacks: Hypocrisy
Bloomberg - USA
Guernsey's private equity firms, Jersey's securitization vehicles, the Cayman Islands' hedge funds, Bermuda's insurers, and the British Virgin Islands' ...
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IRS Boosts Scrutiny of Overseas Money
Wall Street Journal - USA
"We in the Virgin Islands are very cognizant of the federal government treating us differently than the states, particularly whenever it suits them," says ...
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PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
... of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. We have staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia , Puerto Rico , and the US Virgin Islands .
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Fast food group Yum! Brands to buy 20% stake in China's Little Sheep
Xinhua - China
Brands the second-largest shareholder in Little Sheep, after Possible Way International, which is registered by Little Sheep in the British Virgin Islands. ...
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Nordic countries and the British Virgin Islands agree to sign tax ...
Nordic Council - Copenhagen,Denmark
The British Virgin Islands committed to the OECD standards already in 2002 and entered into its first tax information exchange agreement with the United ...
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Atlantic Tele-Network Board Declares Quarterly Dividend
FOXBusiness - USA
... in New York State through its ION subsidiary; and Choice Communications, LLC, which provides wireless broadband services in the US Virgin Islands. ...
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The `bling' capital of the world - Charlotte Amalie
Redlands Daily Facts - Redlands,CA,USA
In 1917, the US bought St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix and various small islets and grouped them into what is called the United States Virgin Islands. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: British Virgin Islands, United States Dollars

The Biggest Holders of US Government Debt - Slideshows -
The US Treasury identifies this group as institutions in the Bahamas, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles, Panama and the British Virgin Islands. Holdings recently hit $176.6 billion, up from $109.2 billion in January 2008. ... US state and local governments have over a half-trillion dollars invested in American debt, according to the Federal Reserve. The level of investment has remained very stable over the past three years, moving between $516.9 billion ...
CNBC Top News and Analysis -
American Airlines Adds BVI Flights
By cheapflights-US
American Airlines will add more flights to the British Virgin Islands (BVI) from San Juan, Puerto Rico, giving travelers another opportunity to take in the pleasures of the Caribbean. The San Juan flights will depart seven times a day ... Flight News -
Numismatic Fun: 2009 Silver Quarters Proof Set from US Mint
By Art Haule
The United States Mint 2009 District of Columbia and U.S. Territories Quarters Silver Proof Set contains six new quarter-dollar coins honoring the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories, each struck in lustrous 90% silver. Enjoy the unique character of the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands as portrayed on these beautiful works of art. These coins are a shining embodiment of the ...
Numismatic Fun -
They gave us a republic...:: It's Not Just AIG, Of Course...
By Tom B
The popular urge to claw back the bogus bonuses paid by American International Group is irresistible and fully justified, but should the Treasury someday retrieve every single bonus dollar, that total of $165 million will make no ... Why did Wachovia need 18 subsidiaries in Bermuda, three in the British Virgin Islands, and 16 in the Caymans? Why did Lehman Brothers need 31 subsidiaries in the Caymans? What do Bank of America's 59 subsidiaries in the Caymans actually do? ...
They gave us a republic... - Front Page -
Life in Lomas: What's on the Nightstand?
By Christine
... Turkmenistan; Turks and Caicos Islands; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Vatican City; Venezuela; Vietnam; Virgin Islands, British; Virgin Islands, United States; Wallis and Futuna ...
Life in Lomas -

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Google Alert - British Indian Ocean Territory, United States Dollars

Google Blogs Alert for: British Indian Ocean Territory, United States Dollars

Oil Spill Still Plagues Alaskan Beaches After 20 Years - No More ...
Twenty years after the Exxon Valdez, more than 70 million acres of the U.S. Arctic Ocean have been made available for oil development, which would put already stressed ecosystems in further danger. Arctic peoples and animals ... Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic ...
Overview Petitions - Care2: ThePetiti... -
ONYX-Revolution, by Angstrom Sciences, Inc. -
PHYSICSWORLD.COM WEBINAR SERIES. Introducing Multiphysics modelling and simulation techniques. Join us for this free webinar. ... Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of ... all content -
24 October 2009
By kelly
The Caribbean territories spend approximately US$500000 an hour in energy produced from oil, which is used when we turn on a light, drive in our cars and go about our everyday living. The burning of fossil fuels in the region collectively emits around 2200 tons of invisible carbon dioxide gas every hour. .... Support an international movement to solve the climate crisis. Whether 3.50, 35.00, or 350.00, euros, dollars, or pesos, your contribution helps us keep going. ... - Movement Dispatches... -
Direct visualization, sizing and counting of virus and phage ...
In order to access this paper, please tell us about yourself. This is a free service, however we may share your information with the provider of the material. All fields are mandatory unless marked as optional. Your details. First/given name ... Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic ... all news -
Pope invites stronger bonds between Islam and Christianity
Far from turning us against the world, belief commits us to it. "Religion rejects all forms of violence and totalitarianism: not only on principles of faith, but also of right reason. Indeed, religion and reason," Benedict XVI reiterated, ... Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad ...
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Google Alert - Belize, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Second Thoughts on "Camouflage Passports"
Sovereign Society - Delray Beach,FL,USA
First, if you find yourself in a terrorist situation and present your passport from non-existent countries such as British Honduras (now Belize) or Burma ...
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Baja Bean tapping in to world water issues
Staunton News Leader - Staunton,VA,USA
Last year's Tap Project donations funded water and sanitation programs in Nicaragua, Iraq, Cote d'Ivoire and Belize, according to the project's Web site. ...
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LoveFM - Belize
... a cheque for 400 dollars but when the cheque was returned to him he noticed that the cheque was not written out in the name of the Belize City Council.
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The Dynamites help Nashville lead the soul charge once again
Nashville Scene - TN, USA
They just got back from a booze cruise to Belize, they're going to Europe again this summer and they're working on a new record that local record maven and ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Currency Converter for Belize Dollar
Random Feed wrote an interesting post today onHere's a quick excerptBelize Dollar Currency Exchange Rates - Belize Dollar Currency Exchange Rates, Exchange.
Forex Tips Today -
Turkey Altinkum Didim Seafront Beach View apartments for sale ...
By property
Algerian Dinar (DZD), Aluminium Ounces (XAL), Argentine Peso (ARS), Aruba Florin (AWG), Australian Dollar (AUD), Bahamian Dollar (BSD), Bahraini Dinar (BHD), Bangladesh Taka (BDT), Barbados Dollar (BBD), Belarus Ruble (BYR), Belize ...
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Google Alert - Brunei Darussalam, Dollars

Google Blogs Alert for: Brunei Darussalam, Dollars

NZD Revisited - April 2009 Forecast | Forex Trading Education ...
By Greg Holden
The article written last month for the prediction of the New Zealand Dollar (NZD), after it decided to reduce its national interest rate, was, I'll have to admit, a tad bit hasty. In a heroic simplification of ... Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouvet Island, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic ...
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Google Alert - Belgium, Euro

Google News Alert for: Belgium, Euro

Dexia Bank Belgium Launches 18-Mo Govt Guaranteed Bond Issue
Wall Street Journal - USA
PARIS (Dow Jones)--Dexia Bank Belgium, a subsidiary of Dexia (DEXB.BT) launched its first 18-month Euro-denominated FRN under its tri-state guarantee, ...
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Dollar Declines on Geithner's Comment on IMF Drawing Rights
Bloomberg - USA
"However, it more or less matched expectations, and as long as things don't get worse the euro will benefit." Business confidence in Belgium unexpectedly ...
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Daily Currency Analysis
Inside Futures - Chicago,IL,USA
by Darrell Jobman of The Euro was unable to make a fresh attack on resistance levels above 1.37 against the dollar on Tuesday and had a ...
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Maersk Hikes Euro-Asia Rates
The Journal of Commerce Online - Newark,NJ,USA
The rate hike will apply to FAK shipments moving from the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, France, Belgium, Ireland, Russia, Norway, ...
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Riera warns Spanish teammates over Turkey
MADRID (AFP) — Liverpool's Albert Riera warned his Spanish teammates that Turkey, who face the Euro 2008 champions in a World Cup qualifying game on ...
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German business confidence slips to 26-year low (Roundup)
Monsters and - USA
Considered a bellwether of the mood in the 16-member eurozone economy, Belgium's business confidence survey unexpectedly rose to minus 28.6 points in March ...
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TUI Travel 1Q Pretax Loss GBP88.6M Vs Loss GBP140.4M
Wall Street Journal - USA
Demand in Belgium has strengthened in recent weeks, with year-on-year bookings in the last four weeks up 8% compared to cumulative bookings down 7%. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Belgium, Euro

Euro Tour: Update #3
By Joe Morton, founder/board member
Euro Tour: Update #3. Joe Morton, founder/board member. We set up the room for a sizeable crowd of 300 in Ghent, Belgium last Friday. Unsurprisingly, as our guests flowed in, we began to add chairs, and then we added even more chairs, ...
Joshlog » Belgium
By Josh
Racing is incredibly cheap here in Belgium – 5 euro for a Flemish licence card thing for the season, and 3 euro to enter the race! When the race did get going, it was a massive relief – although somewhat funny – thinking to myself "jeez ...
Joshlog -
List of NATO secretaries-general | Euro News 24
01:13 A list of secretaries-general in NATO's 60-year history: Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Netherlands, 2003- Lord Robertson, Britain, 1999-2003. Javier Solana, Spain, 1995-1999. Willy Claes, Belgium, 1994-1995. Manfred Woerner, Ge...
Euro News 24 - News -
It's World Cup Weekend In Europe — Soccer Tickets Online
By David Wilson
Spain have not let up since winning EURO 2008 as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Armenia, Estonia and Belgium have all tasted defeat by Vicente Del Bosque's men. EURO semi-finalists Turkey, four points short of the leaders but unbeaten in second, ...
Soccer Tickets Online -
Attica Holdings S.A. full year 2008 results - {Travel Daily News}
Attica Group - EBITDA at 47.7 m. and group Net Profil After Tax at euro 22.3 m. ... Attica's annual results are heavily affected by the sharp rise of the price of fuel which led to a Euro 30.6mln increase in the fuel costs of the Group's vessels in the past year. The Group's revenues in the period were generated by 52% from the Greece-Italy ferry routes, by 42% from the domestic trade and by 6% by the Scotland-Belgium which operated until mid-September 2008. ... -

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Google Alert - Australia, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Australia, Dollars

Australian Dollar Drops on Bets Recent Gains Came Too Quickly
Bloomberg - USA
By Candice Zachariahs March 25 (Bloomberg) -- The Australian dollar slipped below 70 US cents and New Zealand's fell for a second day as investors bet the ...
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RPT-UPDATE 1-Australia's Rudd: US dollar reserve status safe
Reuters - USA
WASHINGTON, March 23 (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Monday the US dollar's position as a key reserve currency was not at risk, ...
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Asian Rally's Momentum Is Checked
Forbes - NY,USA
Commonwealth Bank of Australia gained 1.00 Australian dollar (70 cents), or 2.9%, or to 35.38 Australian dollars ($24.59), and National Australia Bank ...
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CITIC Pacific reports loss of 1.62 billion US
The company announced in October that it faced huge potential losses from currency contracts betting on the rise of the Australia dollar to help fund its ...
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Australian government guarantees states' debts
International Herald Tribune - France
... saw a big reduction in state debt costs to finance promised rail and port infrastructure projects aimed at boosting the 1 trillion Australian dollar, ...
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Qantas Cuts 90 Management Jobs in Bid to Streamline Operations
Wall Street Journal - USA
While many carriers in the Asian-Pacific region posted losses last year, Qantas reported a net profit of 210 million Australian dollars ($146 million) for ...
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Australian man murdered beekeeper for his honey
The Associated Press
BRISBANE, Australia (AP) — An Australian man was convicted Wednesday of murdering a fellow beekeeper so he could steal 40000 Australian dollars ($27880) ...
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Chevron begins huge Australian offshore gas search
Houston Chronicle - United States
The drilling, costing "hundreds of millions of dollars," will include as many as 10 exploration and appraisal wells this year, Roy Krzywosinski, ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Australia, Dollars

Australia, South Africa receive Test and ODI championship trophies ...
By Sindh Today
Captain Ricky Ponting accepted the mace and 175000 dollars on behalf of Cricket Australia for leading the team that will finish top of the Test Championship table on the annual cut-off date of 1 April. He also picked up a cheque for ...
Sindh Today -
Vietnamese export turnover to Australia reaches over $4 bln in ...
By Darith
HANOI, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Vietnam's export turnover to Australia in 2008 went up 18.7 percent against 2007 to 4.22 billion US dollars, according to the.
Welcome Everyone To -
Export turnover to Australia reaches over $4 bln in 2008 - Vietnam ...
By (Brian)
VNBusinessNews - Export turnover to Australia in 2008 went up 18.7% against 2007 to 4.22 billion U.S. dollars, according to the information center of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Wednesday. In 2008, crude oil topped the list of ...
Vietnam Business Finance -
Australia, South Africa receive Test and ODI championship trophies
By ani
Dubai, Mar 25 (ANI): The presentation of ICC Test Championship mace and the ODI shield plus prize money was made to captains Australia South Africa teams in Johannesburg today. Captain Ricky Ponting accepted 175000 dollars.
A little about - » Oz cricketers eyeing 250, 000 dollar cash bonanza
By admin
Cricket Australia is yet to advise if the 250000 dollars — 175000 dollars for being the top Test nation at the end of the yearly rankings, and 75000 dollars for finishing second in the limited-overs format — would be split evenly among ... -

Google Web Alert for: Australia, Dollars

travlang's Exchange Rate Pocket Converter: United States Dollars ...
Australia Dollars to United States Dollars Pocket Converter ... Back to United States Dollars and Australia Dollars Exchange Rates ...

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