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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Google Alert - America (United States of America), Dollars

Google News Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Mexico levies higher tariffs on US imports
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
Mexico maintains that the United States violated the North American Free Trade Agreement by ending a pilot program that allowed a limited number of Mexican ...
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The Fed to Create More Than $1 Trillion
The New American - USA
At that point the United States, reduced to international pauperdom, will be forced, like Germany, to beg China and other international holders of large ...
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First 100 days: Defending Geithner
Fat chance. its time Washington was under the gun and start being accountable to the American people. Obama is not the president of the United states ...
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News Analysis: Iraq war, a long-lasting trauma for America
Xinhua - China
by Yang Qingchuan WASHINGTON, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Things seem different from previous years as the United States commemorated the sixth anniversary of the ...
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Obama promotes hybrid vehicles
Boston Globe - United States
But the United States is in danger of falling behind other countries on solar power, wind energy, and other renewable energy. ...
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El Salvador's Left Wins Historic Election
Political Affairs Magazine - New York,NY,USA
South America is now more independent of the United States than Europe is. But the FMLN's victory in El Salvador has a special significance for this ...
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New York Times
'Merchant of Death' or Simple Tango Lover?
New York Times - United States
Bilateral ties with Russia and the United States could be at stake." The judge also announced that he would appeal to Thailand's foreign ministry to make a ...
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Washington Post
Cash-for-Clunkers Could Drive New Sales
Washington Post - United States
... in North America, whether the company is based here or not. Car owners can fetch higher payments if they plan to buy a car made in the United States, ...
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Opinion: Six years later, Iraq lessons still unheeded
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
Smaller-scale terrorist attacks had been occurring in Europe, Asia and South America for decades, and the United States had very strong indications that an ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Israpundit » Blog Archive » America 'Moves Towards Abandonment of ...
By Ted Belman
... U.S.intelligence official has broken silence and says that America may soon be abandoning Israel in favor of the Arabs. "This is just the beginning", he said, "Israel could be about to lose the support of the United States." ...
Israpundit -
Ian Millhiser: Big Pharma's Loss is America's Gain: Obama's ...
By Ian Millhiser
No drug can be sold in the United States unless it is approved by the FDA, but the FDA can't catch everything--they frequently approve a drug or a drug label despite as-yet-undiscovered dangers to the consumer. ... Two days after a freak ski accident in Canada, Natasha Richardson passed away in New York on Wednesday at the... Cuomo Reveals AIG Details: 73 Employees Got Multi-Million-Dollar Bonuses. AIG's assertion that it had no choice but... Green Fountain ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Internment Camps: Preparing for Civil Unrest in America
The financial meltdown has unleashed a latent and emergent social crisis across the United States. What is at stake is the fraudulent confiscation of lifelong savings and pension funds, the appropriation of tax revenues to finance the trillion dollar "bank bailouts", which ultimately serve to line the pockets of the richest people in America. This economic crisis is in large part the result of financial manipulation and outright fraud to the detriment of entire ...
GNN Headlines -
S. 614: A bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Women ...
By PJ Blount
(25) consequently, the WASP story is a missing chapter in the history of the Air Force, the history of aviation, and the history of the United States of America;. (26) in 1977, 33 years after the WASP were disbanded, the Congress ...
Res Communis -
America Hates AIG, So the Company's Stock Triples - Real Time ...
We're well into the Great American Outrage-fest over AIG. America is angry. They hate AIG. Its once-great name will have to go. The result of this outpouring? AIG shares have more than tripled. ... Why is it that one of the governing bodies of this United States can't resist the temptation to push their own 15 minutes of fame? 1:13 pm March 19, 2009; emerald38111 wrote: Apparently not having enough with eight years of flopping, flipping, and making up rules as they go, ... Real Time Economics -

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