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Monday, March 23, 2009

Google Alert - America (United States of America), Dollars

Google News Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Foreign Firms Eye Stimulus Dollars
Washington Post - United States
"Buy American" provisions in the stimulus legislation and elsewhere in US law require that most materials and work be produced in the United States, ...
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New York Times - United States
Reckoning with the limits of American power is not a new challenge. Tiny states like Cuba have defied America for 50 years, Mr. Gelb says, and ideologically ...
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The Problem With Flogging AIG
New York Times - United States
How can it possibly make sense that Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup and every other company that bought credit-default swaps from AIG should be ...
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Bad Example
Washington Post - United States
The new president has made a number of gestures toward correcting America's standing in the world. But on at least one occasion he and his party have acted ...
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Team USA comes up short against Japan in WBC
Newsday - Long Island,NY,USA
Along with the fact that the World Baseball Classic really could get the attention of America's fans, which it certainly did on consecutive nights at Dodger ...
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Stock futures rise on toxic asset plan hopes
Washington Post - United States
Among gainers, Citigroup jumped 20.2 percent to $3.15 and Bank of America rose 17.1 percent to $7.25. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States offered on ...
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Venezuela's Chavez calls Obama "ignoramus"
Reuters - USA
In the 20th century the United States supported several armed movements and coups in Latin America. Chavez says Washington had a hand in a short-lived ...
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Clinton to address trade and turmoil in Mexico
USA Today - USA
As US companies struggle in the economic downturn, Mexico is afraid the United States may become more protectionist and backslide on the North American Free ...
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Has Credit Card Cancer Put America on Life Support?
Money Morning - USA
The primary mechanism that has injected credit where it does not belong is the massive credit card industry that has developed in the United States over the ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: America (United States of America), Dollars

Barack Obama's Bankrupt States of America - Josh_Painter's blog ...
By Josh Painter (Profile)
"The practical implications of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There's no other way around it. If we maintain the proposals that are in this budget over the ten-year period that this budget covers, this country will go bankrupt. .... The real question is how can the GOP rope enough Indies, Libertarians, Reagan Dems to form a coalition to attempt to stop this trillion dollars and rising mess!?We can rant all we want but unless the votes are there, the liberal ...
Josh_Painter's blog -
AIG and the value of work in the United States « Time as the only ...
By Ronald
In no way do Americans work to be happy. A person slaving over a pizza oven, or a factory line, or a stack of essays would take ten million dollars if offered and say goodbye to that slavery. The value of work is high, builds character and is for the self, ... But the real danger in this rhetoric, purposefully spoken or just out of necessity for society to continue operating, is for people in America to think that the goal in life is to 'be a good worker'. ...
Time as the only Currency -
Barack Obama's Bankrupt States of America — But As For Me
By admin
"The practical implications of this is bankruptcy for the United States. There's no other way around it. If we maintain the proposals that are in this budget over the ten-year period that this budget covers, this country will go bankrupt. People will not buy our debt, our dollar will become devalued. It is a very severe situation." The Senator did credit Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House economic adviser Larry Summers, two top Obama money men who have ...
But As For Me - - America's Economic Report - Daily
Wall Street, the big banks, the Business Roundtable, the National Association of Manufacturers and the United States Chamber of Commerce, and the Retail Federation of America came down on our heads and the amendment was easily defeated. ... This first year of the new century found her worth twenty-five billion dollars more than her nearest rival, Great Britain, with a gross national product more than twice that of Germany and Russia. The United States was already so rich ...
EconomyInCrisis Articles -
Illegal Immigration & Dynamics of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking ...
By mcauleysworld
The U.S. CIA estimates that 15000 enslaved Latin-Americans are trafficked into the United States each year. This paper elaborates on the cultural background of Latin American trafficking victims and describes Latin America's growing ...
Mcauleysworld's Weblog -

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