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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Google Alert - Bangladesh, Taka

Google News Alert for: Bangladesh, Taka

Bangladesh, India renew inland water transit and trade protocol
Xinhua - China
Bangladesh receives levy of 20 million taka (about 285714 US dollars) annually from India for allowing Indian goods ship to use Bangladesh's waterways. ...
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Bangladesh to import 60000 tonnes of wheat from India
TMCnet - USA
The cost of importing the wheat was fixed at Rs 63.12 crore (Taka 86.30 crore). Besides, two private firms -- Indian LMJ and local Anwar Trading -- were ...
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INTERVIEW-Bangladesh FX should not be devalued - top banker
Reuters India - Mumbai,India
But garment manufacturers have demanded a devaluation of the currency, the taka , to increase competitiveness in comparison with other big exporters such as ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Bangladesh, Taka

Agreement renewed on water transit between India and Bangladesh ...
By guru
During the negotiations here Bangladesh proposed to increase the levy to 50 million taka (about 714285 U.S. dollars) annually. It was agreed that a technical committee will study it and give report within next four months ... -
TABLE-Bangladesh key economic indicators - March 24 | Financial 24
06:06 04:24 March 24 DAILY INDICATORS Monday Previous Taka/US $ (inter-bank) 69.01/69.03 69.00/69.02 Call money rate (inter-bank) 7.50-12.00 7.50-12.00 General index... ... TABLE-Bangladesh key economic indicators - March 24 ...
Financial 24 - Top News -
Encyclobanknotes.Blogspot: Bangladesh
By Encyclobanknotes
Bangladesh 50 Taka 2005 G Front: National Parliament Building, Back: Bagha Mosque, Rajshahi Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban, National Assembly Building. Dhaka, Bangladesh Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban (Bengali: জাতীয় সংসদ ভবন Jatio ...
Encyclobanknotes.Blogspot -
Politics 4 Bangladesh: 'UK NGO' runs Bhola madrasa
By Niloy
Finance minister AMA Muhith said on Mar 18 the government would examine NGO financing and activities and take strict measures against those found to be channelling funds to militants in Bangladesh. He said funding of militants came ...
Politics 4 Bangladesh -
Trend News : Dhaka, New Delhi renew water transit protocol
Bangladesh currently receives a levy of some 20 million taka or 290400 US dollars annually from India for allowing Indian vessesl to use Bangladeshi waterways. The two sides also agreed to form a joint committee soon to solve the ...
Trend News Agency -

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