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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Google Alert - Belize, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Top levee job draws diverse pool of applicants
Daily Comet - Thibodaux,LA,USA
Sandra Pineda Coburn of New Orleans, a former development consultant for the Ecologic Development Fund, a binational plan between Belize and Guatemala.
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Caribbean Net News
Commentary: Law and Politics: How are we coping with the crisis?
Caribbean Net News - Georgetown,Cayman Islands
Barbados and Guyana adopted that proposal from the outset and Belize has recently decided that it is following in their footsteps and abolishing appeals to ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Deep Diving: Garden of Eden States Belize Tourism Expo this
By Paulo Tseng
Belize dollars equal one U.S. dollars two dollars, coupled with the passage in English, international driver's license can be used after entering the territory Car travel, but also have English guides and travel agents to provide ...
Deep Diving -

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