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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Argentina, Pesos

Google Blogs Alert for: Argentina, Pesos

Calafia Beach Pundit: Going to Argentina
By Scott Grannis
I was fortunate that at the time it was legal to convert pesos to dollars and to wire dollars to an overseas bank account—it hasn't always been like that. Things have progressed significantly in Argentina since that time, but inflation ...
Calafia Beach Pundit -
The Monday Evening Club: Dont Cry for me, Argentina: an ...
By Martin Langeveld
One day you had $90000 or 270000 pesos in the bank the next 90000 pesos or $30000. The government defaulted on its debts. You cannot imagine what a devastating effect this has had on living standards, morale and esteem. ...
The Monday Evening Club -

Google Web Alert for: Argentina, Pesos

travlang's Exchange Rates: Algeria Dinars and Argentina Pesos ...
0.050, Nov 28: 0.0496635975838163 Argentina Pesos per Algeria Dinars ... Generate a Pocket Converter for Argentina Pesos to Algeria Dinars which you can ...

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