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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Armenia, Drams

Google News Alert for: Armenia, Drams
Whose Fault?: Public, economists look to blame authorities for ... - Yerevan,Armenia
... Manaseryan and adds, "I consider it unacceptable to waste about $700 million from reserve funds to keep the Armenian dram and fix the exchange rate. ...
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NKR and the Dram: Authorities/experts say no worries - Yerevan,Armenia
By Naira Hayrumyan Armenia's reaction to the devalued dram is being mirrored in Nagorno Karabakh, where the dram is also the national currency. ...
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Creation Frustration: Animators have no outlet for cartoons - Yerevan,Armenia
National Cinema Center of Armenia is mainly in charge of cartoon production. Since 2005, annually it gets 100 million drams (about $330000) from the State ...
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Watching Dollars: Consumers anxious to see whether price rise in ... - Yerevan,Armenia
By Siranuysh Gevorgyan The 22 percent fall of the Armenian dram last week sparked an immediate panic shopping as consumers reacted to the unexpected and ...
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Tightening Up: The reality of crisis on household "survival" - Yerevan,Armenia
By Sara Khojoyan Faced with a sudden and significant rise in prices of goods following last weeks adjusted of the Armenian dram, plus announced increases in ...
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Insult to Injury?: Consumers can expect 15 percent hike if customs ... - Yerevan,Armenia
By Gayane Abrahamyan Reeling yet from price increases brought on by the devalued dram, residents of Armenia can expect further cost of living hikes if the ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Armenia, Drams

Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net | Armenian News Agency - Yerevan ...
Marie L. Yovanovitch: The Alliance is interested in continuing and strengthening the cooperation with Armenia. Armenian dram depreciated by about 20% Nienke Oomes: devaluation is not enough to overcome the crisis. ...
Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net -

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