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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Burma (Myanmar), Kyats

Google Blogs Alert for: Burma (Myanmar), Kyats

Shwedagon Pagoda Guide - stairway (Zaungdans) | Today in Myanmar
By Bamarlay
It was damaged during the second Anglo-Burmese War and was closed to public. It was totally destroyed by fire in 1931. An effort to rebuild the zaungdan was done by the contribution of two pice (small coins) by Buddhist shopkeepers of Theingyizay Bazaar; hence the zaungdan bears the name "Two Pice Tazaung". An escalator was installed in this stairway ... Myanmar Kyat - US Dollar - Thai Baht Exchange Rate. US$ 1 = 985 Kyats Thai 1 Baht = 27.20 Kyats Updated: 13 March 2009 ...
Today in Myanmar -

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