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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Canary Islands, Euro

Google Blogs Alert for: Canary Islands, Euro

Euro Arthur: A Modern Day Alexis de Tocqueville: 9-Day Canary ...
By Arthur E. Noll
9-Day Canary Islands & Morocco Round-trip Barcelona. Wow. Finally. The cruise is just around the corner. For the last four years I have had the divine pleasure of a March spring break cruise with some of my bestest friends: ...
Euro Arthur: A Modern Day Alexis... -
GASTROnomi: The Spanish Fiesta
By nomi
La Boqueria food market - yes its tourist central, and yes, the vendors are less than pleasant, but deep inside the Technicolor market there is a fruit juice stand like no other; two young girls are touting 1 Euro plastic cups of freshly squeezed ... We had a tasting of a cheese from the Canary Islands. So there. Bubo- a patisserie designed to confuse you into thinking you have just entered a jewelry shop. Catalunia Fundaciò Alícia- A foundation headed by Ferran Adrià, ...
GASTROnomi -

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