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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Belize, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Ralph Fonseca has no case to answer
Amandala - Belize City,Belize
... a theft charge that involved US 10 million dollars that was granted to the Government and people of Belize, from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. ...
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From The Publisher
Amandala - Belize City,Belize
... are larger issues involved here, prominently the fact that Lord Ashcroft is refusing to pay the Government of Belize many millions of dollars in taxes. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Belize, Dollars

Talk with Desiree: at the opening
By talkwithdesiree talkwithdesiree
The initial estimated cost to build this city was forty million Belize dollars (twenty million U.S. dollars). However, only twenty million Belize dollars (ten million U.S. dollars) were available, but one must not lose the impetus. ...
Talk with Desiree -

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