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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Bangladesh, Taka

Google News Alert for: Bangladesh, Taka

Bangladesh to pass consumer rights protection law by next month
Xinhua - China
According to the bill, any businessmen found guilty under the proposed law could face a maximum three-year jail term and 200000taka (about 2857 US dollars) ...
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HC help sought to get fire equipment
Bangladesh News 24 hours - Dhaka,Dhaka,Bangladesh
... Bangladesh's largest shopping mall on its lower floors, on Mar 13 and consequently seven people died and property worth hundreds of millions of taka was ...
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Jittery Pak instigated Bangla mutiny?
Times of India - India
... crores of taka. Chowdhury had earlier come under the scanner for his alleged involvement in the smuggling of 10 truckloads of arms into Bangladesh ...
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Irrigation facing setback as Teesta dries up for lack of water flow
The New Nation - Bangladesh
According to the WDB officials, construction of the project's first phase began in 1983 and completed on June 30, 1998 at a cost of Taka 968 crore with a ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Bangladesh, Taka

Bangladesh Goverment to constitute taskforce to tackle global ...
By admin
Faruq Khan mentioned that a large number of Bangladeshi expatriates are returning home which is creating a social crisis. "The families of the expatriates, who were previously spending Taka 3000 a month started to spend Taka 10000 or ...
Bangladesh Blogs Websites History,... -
HC help sought to get fire equipment :: Bangladesh :: ::
... failed to control fire at Bashundhara City tower, which houses Bangladesh's largest shopping mall on its lower floors, on Mar 13 and consequently seven people died and property worth hundreds of millions of taka was destroyed. ... | Bangla Version -
Politics 4 Bangladesh: Business wants Tk 6000 cr recession fund
By Niloy
"Bangladesh's key exports such as readymade garments, jute, leather, frozen foods have begun bearing the brunt," Huq told after the meeting. He claimed the prime minister responded positively to their demand. ...
Politics 4 Bangladesh -
Open Pit Mining must start in Phulbari « Energy Frontier
By energyfrontier
This will be a massive asset for Bangladesh, a major source of power generation and other use. It should be mentioned here that 1400 crore taka has already been spent to develop Barapukuria mine and 1600 crore taka has been spent to set ...
Energy Frontier -

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