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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - British Indian Ocean Territory, United States Dollars

Google News Alert for: British Indian Ocean Territory, United States Dollars

From Twin Piillars To Twin Towers - Caracas,Venezuela
This 'strategy' of preferring to spend US taxpayers' dollars on almost always covert military aid to shi'a forces, rather than sunni forces is less than ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: British Indian Ocean Territory, United States Dollars

Have the OPTION to spay/neuter your pets in Texas!!! - The ...
The State does not need to tell us what we can and can not do all the time. People who really care will do the spaying and nuetering on their own. I hate to see this become law when most people will if their are free clinics for them to ...
Overview Petitions - Care2: ThePetiti... -

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