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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Australia, Dollars

Google News Alert for: Australia, Dollars

Australia oil coast 'half clear'
BBC News - UK
Hundreds of workers spent the weekend clearing the beaches but officials have said the cost of the clean-up operation could run into millions of dollars. ...
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Australia to provide funding for Afghan election
Xinhua - China
... March 15 (Xinhua) -- Australia Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said on Sunday the Australian government will provide a further 3 million Aust dollars ...
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Destination DC promotes Obama itinerary
Newsday - Long Island,NY,USA
Desperate to sell seats on increasingly empty jetliners, airlines are slashing airfares to prime overseas destinations in Europe and Australia. ...
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Oz opener Hughes set for mega cash bonanza - New Delhi,Delhi,India
Hughes will be handed his first Cricket Australia contract next month, lifting his base playing salary to a minimum 180000 dollars. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Australia, Dollars

Hughes may get 500000 dollars windfall
By Geeta
By making his Test debut and hitting his first ton for Australia, the diminutive opener has activated key performance bonuses worth an estimated 100000 dollars in sponsorship deals with sporting giants Kookaburra and Adidas. ...
Hamara News covers Politics,... -
Hughes may get 500000 dollars windfall
By ani
Cape Town (South Africa), Mar.15 (ANI): Australian opener Phil Hughes' phenomenal entry to Test cricket could translate into a 500, 000 dollar windfall. The NSW dynamo became the youngest player in history score two centuries.
A little about -
Maliki's visit to Australia will bear fruit in the signing of six ...
He added that the new agricultural support to be provided by Australia to Iraq is a (4) million dollars to combat the salinity of the soil around Baghdad and southern Iraq, and some (9) million dollars for the training initiative ...
Investor's Iraq Forum - Iraq... -
Half of oil-slicked Australian beaches now clean | Euro News 24
Queensland officials have threatened Swire with a multimillion-dollar lawsuit. Under Australian law, the company faces fines of up to 2 million Australian dollars and could be liable for up to AU$250 million more in penalties for ...
Euro News 24 - News -
Oil spill ship's owners misled us: Australia
By (Agence France-Pres...
Swire faces 1.5 million dollars (977000 US dollars) in fines if found guilty of environmental or maritime breaches and has already said it will cover the costs of the clean up. The cargo ship also lost 31 containers -- or 620 tonnes ...
Climate Ark Climate Change &... -

Google Web Alert for: Australia, Dollars

Australian, N.Z. Dollars Rise on Lloyds Deal, Japan Deficit ...
National Australia Bank Ltd., the country's biggest lender by assets, today lowered its forecasts for the Australian dollar to 66 U.S. cents by the end of ...

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