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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Google Alert - Bolivia, Bolivianos

Google Blogs Alert for: Bolivia, Bolivianos

Green Left - Bolivia: Dangers of economic instability
The drop in oil prices, with a strong impact on natural gas (Bolivia's main export) and minerals, after a boom that reactivated mineral exploitation in recent years, have placed the Bolivian economy on red alert. ...
Green Left Weekly issue #787 -
Bolivia passes land from rich to poor | Look At Vietnam
By admin
Morales handed out around 94000 acres of lands recently confiscated from five big ranches in Bolivia's wealthy eastern lowlands, a stronghold of his conservative political opponents. The ranchers have been accused of employing workers ...
Look At Vietnam -
Ryan444123 dot Com » Blog Archive » Bolivia leader redistributes land
By admin
Bolivia leader redistributes land. admin 15 March 2009 Bizzare and Offbeat No Comment. Bolvia's President Evo Morales hands over thousands of acres of land seized from large-scale owners to indigenous farmers. ...
Ryan444123 dot Com -
WQOW TV: Eau Claire, WI NEWS18 News, Weather, and Sports-Bolivia's ...
Morales spoke just days after ordering a U.S. diplomat to leave Bolivia. He accused the diplomat of conspiring with the opposition and "coordinating contacts" with a former police captain accused of infiltrating the state energy company ...
Bolivia leader redistributes land | 60A LAW BLOG
By BBC News | World | Full Feed
Today, from here, we are beginning to put an end to the giant landholdings of Bolivia, Mr Morales said at a ceremony in the east of the country.Private property will always be respected but we want people who are not interested in ...

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